London to Brighton 100k Ultra Challenge 2019

London to Brighton Ultra Challenge 2019 Finisher

Follow up from: Just One Foot in Front of the Other

My personal challenge in 2019 was complete the Ultra Challenge - London to Brighton 100k walk. I can now officially say that on 25th/26th May 2019 I used my own two feet to travel from London to Brighton in one gruelling journey. This 100k walk was completed in one go.

The walk threw up some challenges along the way. To my utter surprise the first 70k was rather enjoyable. From that point my feet had started to suffer from a bad allergic reaction to some tape I was wearing to hold off blisters. That last 30k was excruciating, but all that mattered was completing the challenge. With having no sleep I really had to rely on my determination and strong mental attitude to get to the end.

Despite the allergic reaction I still managed to pull thorough for a sprint finish at Brighton Racecourse the next day, much to everyone’s surprise around me who knew how broken my body was at this point.

The challenge took me 32 hours 25 mins 33 seconds - a time which has much room for improvement. I hope in years to come I can bring myself to smash that time and meet more people along the way. Thanks to my Fitbit I can tell you how many steps I did. Over the two days of the walk i did a total of 159,351 steps!

This was an incredible experience and I would highly recommend anyone who was considering doing something like this to do so. No only is it good for your fitness but in events like this you find yourself surrounded by incredible and inspiring people. It was the most encouraging environment I found myself in 2019.

Luckily my emergency blanket in the image below wasn’t needed!

Billie McMillan